Media Contact:

Bob Spreat

Paul Mitchell nommé au conseil d'administration du CEIR


BEACHWOOD, Ohio (October 24, 2013) – Tremco Roofing and Building Maintenance is proud to announce that Paul Mitchell (RRC, RRO, CDT), Business Analyst for the company, has been appointed to the 2013-2014 Board of Directors for the Center for Environmental Innovation in Roofing (“The Center”). Board members begin their terms in December with The Center’s first board meeting of the new term. 
Mitchell has been involved with The Center since it was founded and has been particularly active in the formation and ongoing execution of RoofPoint TM, a voluntary, consensus-based green rating system developed to help building owners and designers select non-residential roof systems based on long-term energy and environmental benefits. 
“It’s an honor to be named to The Center’s board,” said Mitchell. “I’m looking forward to working with my fellow board members to enhance The Center’s visibility and its goals of promoting more sustainable solutions within the roofing industry.” 
About The Center for Environmental Innovation in Roofing 
The Center for Environmental Innovation in Roofing is a non-profit organization headquartered in Washington, D.C., whose mission is to promote the development and use of environmentally responsible, high-performance roof systems and technologies. For more information on The Center, visit 
About Tremco Roofing and Building Maintenance 
Headquartered in Beachwood, Ohio, Tremco Roofing and Building Maintenance helps manage building life cycles for customers in education, healthcare, government, manufacturing and many other industries. Tremco Roofing and Building Maintenance is a division of Tremco Incorporated, which has been in business since 1928 and is itself part of RPM, an international leader in the construction, maintenance and repair markets. Tremco Roofing works closely with Tremco Incorporated subsidiary WTI, which provides general contracting and roofing services, and Canam Building Envelope Specialists, which provides air barrier analysis and solutions. To learn more about us, visit or call toll-free at 800-562-2728. 

La tranquillité d'esprit en matière de toiture et d'étanchéité

Nous offrons la tranquillité d'esprit aux propriétaires de bâtiment et aux gestionnaires d'installations grâce à la gestion des cycles de vie des toitures et des bâtiments de nos clients travaillant dans différents secteurs comme l'éducation, la santé, la fabrication, de même que les bâtiments gouvernementaux et autres.

  • Tremco, Division Toiture et Enveloppe de Bâtiment offre les solutions de toitures et d'étanchéité les plus complètes de l'industrie pour les projets de restauration, de réparation, d'entretien, de remplacement et de construction nouvelle.
  • WTI (Weatherproofing Technologies, Inc., une filiale de Tremco Inc.) offre des services de toiture, de gestion de construction et d'entreprise générale.
  • Canam Enveloppe de Bâtiment fournit des solutions permettant d'éliminer les fuites d'air afin d'améliorer l'efficacité énergétique et de réduire les coûts.

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