Media Contact:

Bob Spreat

WTI de Tremco se voit accorder le contrat TCPN


BEACHWOOD, Ohio (April 16, 2014) – Tremco Incorporated and its affiliate WTI (Weatherproofing Technologies, Inc.)
are proud to announce that they have been awarded a contract as a national provider of roofing products and services to
TCPN, The Cooperative Purchasing Network. The contract award follows an open, nationally competed bidding process and
provides K-12, higher education, state/local government and architecture customers with expedited procurement, access to an exceptional range of roofing components, and services that can extend a roof’s useful service life.

“We’re delighted that TCPN has again selected Tremco and WTI to provide its members with our exceptional roofing
products and services, which include our unique ability to function as a project’s general contractor – just one way that TCPN members can use this contract,” said Craig Nelson, WTI’s vice president of construction operations.

Jane Krivos, Tremco’s director of cooperative programs, continued: “We’re excited to be entrusted with this opportunity.
TCPN’s members choose us together with an impressive array of local contractors to take care of their roofs for the long
term. They receive peace of mind knowing that they will receive innovative, quality products, unmatched service to extend
their roof’s life cycle, and support from experienced professionals who are fully qualified to meet roofing needs. Beyond
these products and services, we are hard at work developing new programs that can provide TCPN members with even
greater benefits during the life of this national contract.”

TCPN members can also procure the following through the contract:
   • Patch and repair services, in which minor roof defects such as tears and splits in the membrane are repaired before
      they can become large problems that result in potentially large capital expense.
   • Rooftop safety equipment such as non-penetrating guard rail systems, hatch safety railing systems and skylight screens.
     Fall protection is the top cause of OSHA violations, and permanent fall protection systems such as these are the best
     way to keep people safe when they are on a roof.

In summary, beyond receiving the highest quality roofing materials and services, TCPN members benefit from pre-competed
solicitation; shorter overall project time; fewer change orders; lower costs; and an assurance that only proven, experienced
contractors will work on their roofs.

About Tremco Incorporated
Headquartered in Beachwood, Ohio, and in business since 1928, Tremco Incorporated is dedicated to the development of
high-performance buildings characterized by energy efficiency, limited environmental impact and low operating costs.
Tremco Incorporated is part of RPM, an international leader in the construction, maintenance and repair markets. Tremco
Incorporated subsidiaryWTI provides general contracting and roofing services throughout the United States. WTI works
closely with Tremco Roofing and Building Maintenance, which helps manage building life cycles for customers in education, healthcare, government, manufacturing and many other industries. Tremco Incorporated companies are ISO 9001:2000 certified; WTI is the first facility services group to attain this certification. To learn more, visit or call us toll-free at 800-562-2728.

About TCPN
TCPN is a national governmental purchasing cooperative, established in 1997 whose contracts have been competitively bid
and awarded, by a governmental entity serving in the lead agency role, to national vendors for commonly purchased products and services, including facilities, furniture, office supplies and equipment, security systems and technology. Entities that must comply with purchasing procedures mandated by state laws and regulations, like public and private schools, colleges and universities, cities, counties, nonprofits, and all governmental entities, use TCPN contracts to increase their efficiency and economy when procuring goods and services. As a national purchasing cooperative, TCPN leverages one of the largest pools of purchasing potential and allows agencies to receive a combined buying power regardless of the entity’s size. For more information about TCPN, please visit

La tranquillité d'esprit en matière de toiture et d'étanchéité

Nous offrons la tranquillité d'esprit aux propriétaires de bâtiment et aux gestionnaires d'installations grâce à la gestion des cycles de vie des toitures et des bâtiments de nos clients travaillant dans différents secteurs comme l'éducation, la santé, la fabrication, de même que les bâtiments gouvernementaux et autres.

  • Tremco, Division Toiture et Enveloppe de Bâtiment offre les solutions de toitures et d'étanchéité les plus complètes de l'industrie pour les projets de restauration, de réparation, d'entretien, de remplacement et de construction nouvelle.
  • WTI (Weatherproofing Technologies, Inc., une filiale de Tremco Inc.) offre des services de toiture, de gestion de construction et d'entreprise générale.
  • Canam Enveloppe de Bâtiment fournit des solutions permettant d'éliminer les fuites d'air afin d'améliorer l'efficacité énergétique et de réduire les coûts.

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