Laboratory Analysis
TRACE (Tremco Roof Analysis Core Evaluation) offers building owners a detailed, cost-effective way to determine the composition, construction and condition of any built-up roof system. Using ASTM testing methods, our experienced lab technicians perform 14 tests that reveal important facts about your roof.
All analyses are done at Tremco's state-of-the-art research center, which is NVLAP (National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program) accredited for bulk asbestos analysis using polarized light microscopy (NVLAP Code 200887-0). TRACE automatically includes a Tremco ACT® (Asbestos Core Testing).
TRACE gives building owners the facts to:
- Justify the need and cost of roofing decisions
- Help determine if your roof should be restored or replaced
- Verify causes of premature roof failure
- Explain roof performance to date
- Implement a quality control measure for new roof installation to ensure proper performance
- Accurately identify the presence and quantity of asbestos
![Trace Act 1](/media/103211/trace_act_1.jpg)
Click here to download a sample TRACE report.
If asbestos detection is your only concern, ACT is available as a separate analysis. ACT goes well beyond the common muffle furnace test; every roof sample is treated using solvent reduction to remove bitumens and clearly expose the multiple roof layers.
This leaves behind ply carriers (in near original form), mastics and other residues, which can be individually analyzed for any asbestos fibers. Following the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) test methods for Determination of Asbestos in Bulk Building Materials (EPA/600/R-93/116 and EPA-600/M4-82-020), ACT accurately reports the exact percentage and type of asbestos found in each layer as well as in the adhesive or mastic. Click here to download a sample ACT report.
To have a WTI specialist perform a TRACE & ACT Roof Core Analysis, contact your local Tremco Representative.